Daniel Brodowski, Jr. Web Developer

I'm always hungry to learn, constantly immersing myself in new skills and technologies to enhance my expertise. My dedication to learning drives me forward, propelling me towards my career goals in the dynamic world of web development.

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profile picture of Daniel Brodowski


Work I've done recently

picture showing screen shot of omnifood project.


Omnifood is a landing page of made up AI driven food company. Made fully using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Responsive Design
picture showing screen shot of bakery shop.

Bakery Shop

My attempt on Frontend Mentor project using React framework

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Responsive Design
  • React
picture showing screen shot of quizworld app.


A full-stack quiz application built with Node.js, React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PostgreSQL. (Not deployed, view screenshots in readme file on github)

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Responsive Design
  • React
  • >Node.js
picture showing screen shot of QRCODE project.


Simpel QR Code component. Project design from frontendmentor.com

  • HTML
  • CSS
picture showing screen shot of social card project.

Social Card

Quick and simple project. The goal was to polish my skills with css.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Responsive Design

See more →

About me

Get to know me a little more

I'm a 27-year-old enthusiast born and raised in Poland, but currently calling the UK home. My journey into the world of technology began when I completed my studies as an IT Technician in 2017. Since then, I've been honing my skills in various tech-related fields.

By day, you'll find me at AMI Metals, where I work as a Saw Operator, ensuring precision and efficiency in our processes. But when the workday winds down, I dive headfirst into my passion for web development. I'm constantly exploring new languages, frameworks, and design principles to expand my skill set and craft meaningful digital experiences.

Outside of the tech realm, I find solace in nature through hiking adventures, soaking in the beauty of the great outdoors. And when I'm not exploring trails, you can bet I'll be immersed in the virtual worlds of computer games, where creativity knows no bounds.
Join me on this journey as I continue to learn, grow, and create in both the digital and physical realms. Let's connect and explore the endless possibilities together!